Cherrytree's class party, featuring a very special visitor!
Today we preformed our free verse poems to the class, well done everyone!
Today we used our 5 senses to help us create imagery
Geography field work
We were exploring the features of free verse poetry today
Who knows about human and physical features in our local area? WE DO!
Today we became archeologists, we used all our prehistoric knowledge to investigate an ancient burial.
We have had quite a cheeky visitor in class this week!
Today we worked together to create a map of our characters journey through the story.
Check out our animations!
Practice makes perfect! We are excite to see you for our assembly on Thursday!
We created our own flip book animations in Computing lessons this week
Cherrytree class have been applying all their knowledge of Addition and Subtraction to solve tricky questions
Odd Sock Day!
Lest we Forget - Remembrance Day
Today we were 'Shen', we climbed the frozen waves to get a glimpse of the cliff edge ahead!
We began to explore our new book 'Pugs of the Frozen North' by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre, by visualising the setting.
Welcome back! We are all super excited and ready for a busy fun filled half term ahead.
Today we used role play to understand the role of the parents and godparents during a Baptism.
Check out our newest wiggly members of St. Joseph!
Today we decorated our prehistoric pots, don,t they look just like they have come from the Stone Age?
Look at our 'rubbish toys'! To celebrate Recycling Week the children created these amazing toys out of rubbish!
We took some time to worship today with the help of our Prayer Leaders
17.10.24 Fun filled Movie Night with popcorn and juice.
As part of our Topic 'Through the Ages', year 3 went back in time to the Stone Age today. The children really enjoyed the experience of what it would be like to live in the Stone Age.
To add to our learning about muscles and joints, we had the opportunity to observe Griff the dog. We discussed his movements, what joints he may have and what he needs to stay healthy. He was a very good boy!
We had fun experimenting in science today. We concluded life would be very difficult without joints!
We celebrated the Holy month of the Rosary by praying a decade of the Rosary today.
The children had fun inventing their own digital device in their computing lesson.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We used 'hot seating' to explore our characters today. The children enjoyed using their knowledge of the books and their imagination to predict what the characters might be saying.
The children enjoyed coding this week!
Cherrytree class enjoyed working in groups to work out some tricky maths problems today. Luckily their super knowledge of place value helped them!
The children enjoyed a whole school warm up for National Fitness Day
Cherrytree Class kick started their topic 'Through the Ages' by creating a prehistory timeline to help their understanding of this period of history.
The children enjoyed using the base 10 equipment to represent numbers to 100!
The children were 'tingling with excitement' to create some freeze frames from our book Gorilla by Anthony Browne
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