Mini Vinnies
The ‘Mini Vinnies’ are a St Vincent de Paul Group in our school. The children get together, organise and talk about helping others in need within our school community and beyond. What makes Mini Vinnies such a valuable experience for the children who are part of it, is the change they make in our school and local community. Our Mini Vinnies’ group meet once a fortnight during lunchtime with the Mini Vinnies Co-ordinator, Mrs Singcuenco.
The group is a great way for the children involved to start thinking about how they spirituality and faith can impact their life of service to others and the wider community. It helps make their faith real, meaningful and relevant.
The Mini Vinnies model is to:
‘See, Think, Do’
Meet our St.Joseph's Mini Vinnies

Please see the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) tab for more information on how the Mini Vinnies put their faith in to action.