Promoting Fundamental British Values
British Values
We love, learn and grow together through Jesus Christ
Through our school mission statement, we at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School are committed to modelling and teaching both British and Gospel Values. Along with our Governors, we are continually striving to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. Our curriculum and policies demonstrate that we expect all children to have an awareness and respect for others, take responsibility for their own actions, understand their responsibility as a positive member of society and have an awareness of British values and traditions.
We teach our children British Values through every aspect of school life and we also work closely with the local and wider community to foster positive relationships and aspirational role models for the pupils at St Joseph's.
At St Joseph's, we actively model and promote democracy within our school, and this is achieved in a variety of ways, to ensure that our pupils are equipped to fulfil their responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.
How we promote democracy at St Joseph's:
- Elect class representatives for the pupil voice
- Pupil interviews
- Pupil voice
- Class debates
- Critical thinking in RSHE lessons
- Independent research and teamwork
- Year 6 visits to parliament
- Visits to and from the fire services
- Visits to and from the metropolitan police
- Voting using ICT in lessons
- Suggestion boxes
- Have knowledge of inspirational figures such as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela
- Religious educational visits - Churches, Cathedral, Jewish Museum, Synagogues, Mandirs, Gurdwara.

The Rule of Law
At St Joseph's we actively model and promote the rule of law within our school, and this is achieved in a variety of ways to ensure that our pupils understand why rules and laws are necessary in their classes, in our school and across society as a whole.
How we promote the rule of law at St Joseph's:
- Our School Mission Statement
- Our Gospel Values
- Our School Behaviour Policy
- Charities (Cancer Research coffee morning, St Rita's orphanage, Caritas)
- Visits from the police and fire services.
- Online safety talks
- Participation in Armistice Services within the community
- Parent workshops e.g. child development and online safety etc.

Individual Liberty
At St Joseph's, we actively model and promote pupil’s individual liberty. We encourage pupils to exercise their rights and freedom by making safe choices through our provision of a safe learning environment.
How we promote individual liberty at St Joseph's:
- Online safety week
- Equal opportunities for all children embedded in policy and practice
- Our Behaviour policy
- Challenge stereotypes through visitors into school
- Interfaith week
- International week
- Disability awareness
- Anti-bullying week
- Implement a strong anti-bullying culture through policy and practice
- Aspirational targets
- Range of extra-curricular clubs offered

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Belief
St Joseph's is a multicultural school, united by our Catholic faith. We actively model and promote the Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs by providing the opportunities to learn about other cultures. We also appreciate British traditions and customs, through themed assembly. With over 50% of our pupils having EAL we value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of our families and undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate these.
How we promote mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and belief at St Joseph's:
- Our School Mission Statement
- Our Gospel Values
- Our Behaviour Policy
- Our Cultural calendar
- Weekly Assemblies
- Weekly Liturgies
- Masses
- Our RE Curriculum
- RSHE curriculum - discuss and celebrate the differences between people such as differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and different family situations
- Interfaith week (includes trips to places of worship)
- Geography – researching other countries and cultures
- Religious educational visits - Churches, Cathedral, Jewish Museum, Synagogues, Mandirs, Gurdwara.