Young Voices 2025
We are delighted to inform you that Year 4 will be participating in Young Voices at the O2 Arena. Young Voices is a platform to inspire teamwork, artistic expression and a lifelong love for music. The concert itself is a fantastic spectacle, with between 5,000 and 8,000 children in the joint choir, along with many thousand more people in the audience, including parents and families of the singers of course. There is a lot of hard work to get ready for the final concert, but it is well worth it to hear the fantastic sounds of singing in the O2 Arena. The concert is being held on the evening of Wednesday 5th February 2025. In the evening, your child will take part in a breathtaking concert performance featuring a few special guest artists. The excitement and energy in the arena will be an unforgettable sensation for each child, making it the most memorable school trip of the year!
What an AMAZING experience the children had at the O2 Arena yesterday. We are all so unbelievably proud of them - their behaviour, attitude, participation and incredible singing. They were a real credit to everyone here at St Joseph's School and to you, our parents and carers! Well done to everyone who made it into school today after the late evening - a full house! Thank you again to our volunteers who took the time out of their busy schedule to help support our children all day yesterday. A big thank you to Mrs Correa and Miss Hamilton who have worked tirelessly over the past few months preparing your children to ensure they were Young Voices ready..... which they truly were, I would also like to say a special thank you too Miss Llamido and Mrs Brooks (Governor) for supporting us yesterday evening without you all none of this would have been possible. I would also like to say thank you to all the parents/carers who waited so patiently for us to arrive back to school, the Young Voices staff who lead this process of vacating over 10,000 children safely out of the O2 Arena and to their departure point was a very lengthy and long process and the children handled this exceptionally well.
Finally, you can stream the YV2024 Concert on the link here.
Young Voices 2024

Young Voices 2024

Young Voices 2024

Young Voices Powerpoint of Songs
Information for Parents
We are so excited to be taking part in Young Voices at the O2 on the Tuesday 30th January 2024! We are so grateful to all of our parents and carers who give us such wonderful support! Arranging this event is a huge undertaking for the staff and teachers at the school, particularly Miss Hamilton and Mrs Correa who have been leading the rehearsals every week in school.
Important information for parents and carers of children taking part:
- The school have purchased every child a T-Shirt to wear during the concert.
- There is no obligation for you to attend the concert, you can purchase tickets to be in the audience. If you do not want to go to the O2, we will transport your child to the concert and then bring them back to St Joseph's School (estimated time of arrival back at school (9:45pm - 10:15 pm)
- There is no possibility of handing over your child after the concert at the O2 for security reasons. They must travel back St Joseph's School on the coach and be collected from the school. Please do not ask to do this as the teachers will be unable to release the children to you and we would not want to spoil the experience for the children after a long and tiring day.
- Tickets are delivered via an online APP (ASX or the O2 APP) The venue does not accept any paper tickets so you need to have these APPS downloaded and ensure that your mobile phone has sufficient charge on the night. The school cannot assist you with entry should you not be able to download your tickets as we will be looking after the children in another area of the O2
- You might find this information sheet helpful regarding getting to the O2 and arrangements for the day
Thank you once again for lending us your children for this magical experience!