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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Trust

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Year 6 Local Area Visit by Vital Energi Company

On Wednesday 15th September 2021, Year 6 had a local area trip provided from an energy company called 'The Vital Energi Company'. As part of the trip, one of the directors of the company came into the school teaching the children specifically about green energy and what they are doing within the local area. During this presentation, the children learnt about how the company are building more energy efficient pipes to supply heating around the area. After the presentation, the children walked to the local area on Linton Road, to see the actual pipes being welded together. It was a fantastic trip.



St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Trust

The Broadway, Barking. IG11 7AR
