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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Trust

Interactive Bar

Summer 1

In science, we learned about solvents, solutes and solutions by mixing different powders in water to see which dissolved and which didn't.

In computing, we've been learning about layering when making vector drawings.

In D&T, we enjoyed making and tasting some delicious, seasonal soup.

In English, we learned a lot about Dr Barnardo through our own research, in preparation for biography writing.

In history, we wrote and gave speeches for our own class vote for who should be the leader of Ancient Ash class.

In history, we've been learning about the Ancient Athens' social hierarchy. To apply our understanding, we imagined the differnt concersations thatcould have been had between different classes of people.

In English, we had the opportunity to act out the play scripts we wrote, to check that our stage directions are clear enough.

Linking to our history topic ‘Groundbreaking Greeks’, we went to the British Museum, where we saw artifacts from Ancient Greece and even completed a self-guided augmented reality tablet tour.

In science, we've been experimenting with thermo-colour paper to explore thermal conductivity in different materials.

In maths, we've been identifying, estimating and measuring angles.

In computing, we've started creating our own vector drawings using rotated and coloured shapes called 'objects'.

In maths, after turning our body to different angles and directions, we made our own spinners to ask and answer questions about degrees of turn.

In science, we have been testing the properties of a range of materials to begin thinking about their potential uses.

In English, we have been exploring the features of diary entries.

In music, we have been continuing to learn to play the guitar.

In RE, we used a conscience alley to explore our answers to the dilemma of whether we'd become disciples.

In English, we've been exploring instruction writing.

Linked to our D&T curriculum, we enjoyed making and taste testing our own pizzas!

We began our history topic this half term by conducting research into life in Ancient Greece. We used a range of sources to understand chronology.



St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Trust

The Broadway, Barking. IG11 7AR
